Thursday, March 6, 2014

Time to write again!

Gypsy showing off her paw catching moves

I've been remiss in my writing.  I just didn't feel like I had much to say for a while.  But it's time to get back at it, especially so I can have a good record of Gypsy's training to look back on.

The pups just turned nine months old which is hard to believe!!  They are all just awesome and from all accounts, doing fabulously.  The one thing that seems very consistent among all the pups is how strongly they have bonded themselves to their people.  They all really seem to be very much "momma's dogs".  And that tells me a few things.  First, because they were all raised differently, there was likely a genetic predisposition for them to bond hard to their humans.  But also, that every owner has taken the time to really build a relationship with their pup and make themselves highly valuable to their pup.  And that just makes me happy!!!

All of the pups have been busy with different activities and foundation work, though I think it's been a challenging winter for the two Wisconsin pups.  They can't wait to see grass again!  The one thing I hoped to accomplish from this breeding was to add a bit more natural drive, and I can see that all six of the pups have a tremendous amount of natural drive and desire to work with their person.  They are all very intelligent and learn quite quickly.  Oh, and they are have GREAT tug and food drive, which is fabulous!!!

I, of course, adore my little girlie.  She's just such a happy pup, always ready to do anything with me and a total blast to train.  Now, she's still a bit naughty, and she's not keen on sharing me with the other dogs, but she just brings so much joy to my life.  Gypsy lives life to the fullest!

And Rave still absolutely adores her daughter.  It just thrills me that Rave was such a good mother and has such a great relationship with Gypsy.  Rave never really played with other dogs (with the exception of Dazzle) but she and Gypsy just love to play and wrestle.  I love just watching the two of them together, and I love how happy Rave is.

Here are all the pups at 9 months!  Aren't they all just beautiful????


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