Friday, March 7, 2014


Jive at 8 weeks

Sunday will be the six year anniversary of Jive's death.  The time between her birthday (2/26) and her death (3/9) is always hard for me.  Losing her was the most painful time in my life and this time of year, the pain often comes rushing back.  I grieve the loss of her physical presence, all the memories we missed out on together and how much fun we would have had.  It's still hard for me to understand why such an incredible being had to leave this earth so soon, but she sure has left a legacy.

Jive was the first dog I purchased as a performance puppy from a breeder who really knew what they were doing.  And Jive set the bar WAY high!  While she wasn't for everybody---she was very high drive and very high energy---she was as close to perfect as a pup can get.  She loved every dog and person that she met, but she loved me more.  She was brilliant, keen and always up for anything.  She loved to tug, retrieve and life was a big party for her.  She was just incredible.

Losing her sent me into a tailspin of sorts, trying to fill the void she left.  I will forever be grateful to the people who insisted that I open my heart to Rival, her half brother.  He's been such a gift, and even though it took time, he helped me heal.  But had Jive not left, I would never have known him and the absolutely incredible dog that he is.  And I never would have gotten Rumba or Dazzle, who are soulmates to their people now.  And I never would have gotten there would have been no pups.  Which also means I wouldn't have the incredible people in my life that all these dogs and puppies have opened my world to!

This year my heart feels a bit fuller, and I am trying to focus on all the good that came out of her death.  This year my heart feels a bit fuller, and I am trying to focus on all the good that came out of her death.  I also have Gypsy, who is so much like Jive, it’s almost eerie.  They share that same joie de vivre and so many personality traits.  I’ve been saying since Gypsy was young that it feels like she’s been here before.  I was just thinking about the weekend I brought Jive home.  Tonya and I drove to Massachusetts to pick her up and Chance came with us.  Well, from the moment we put Jive in the car, Chance did not like her and wanted to return her!   I thought it was odd because he’s always like other dogs.  Well, guess who he also does not like?  Yup, Gypsy.  Pretty interesting.

It’s also very hard to be in a sad mood around Gypsy.  She makes me laugh and smile all the time.  She defines “live life to the fullest” and I adore her free spirit.  So on Sunday, I will remember Jive for who she was, and raise a toast to her.  But I also celebrate all that she has given in her death.  And I will be hugging my dogs extra hard and reminding myself how blessed I am to share my life with such incredible beings.

Both water junkies!

The best boy ever!

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