Thursday, March 13, 2014

Live Every Day Like Its Your Last!

Chance getting some hydrotherapy

Live Each Day Like It's Your Last.  That's the new motto for both Sammy and Chance.  They are both quite old---Chance will be 16 in May and Sammy 14.  And they both have some pretty serious health issues that neither will recover from.  I am so incredibly blessed that they have lived for so long, but no one prepares you for the emotional toll that having geriatric dogs takes on you.  I find myself worrying all the time, though rationally I am fully aware that it does no one any good to worry.  But I can't help it, that's who I am.

I got some bad news on Chance this week, his bloodwork shows that his organs are all failing.  I guess I shouldn't have been surprised as he is old.  He had been feeling quite good for about six weeks then his appetite went off again which is why I had blood drawn on him.  Unfortunately, Chance isn't the best patient, he hates taking pills and will find them in just about anything.  So he's making it very hard for me to help him. But I have to respect that and make some attempt to accept it too.  My goal now is for him to be comfortable, eat something each day and hope he makes it to May 8th to celebrate.  I told him I'd get him an entire pizza if he did!!!!  

Sammy is struggling as well.  She likely has a meningioma on her spinal cord or in her brain.  It's a slow growing brain tumor and explains all the symptoms she's been displaying since last May.  But it's progressing now to the point where she gets lost, confused and doesn't seem to understand simple cues anymore.  And she's losing control of her muscles and body.  I hate saying this, but I barely recognize her as the dog I have loved for 13 years.  She's so different now.  Gone is the ever happy, bouncy, smiling crazy girl.  

 Sammy enjoying a hike in 2012

Then there's Scooter.  The little dog that could!  Scooter got hit by a car in 2003 and both of his front legs were shattered.  He shouldn't still be alive, never mind be able to walk.  Yet he's still here!  But he's really struggling with his legs, and feet since they splay out at a bizarre angle to compensate for his legs.  I know he's in pain, and I have him on as much medication as I safely can.  But his tail is still wagging, despite the pain.  He's truly been a dog that we can all learn a lesson from---despite his physical issues, he's been the happiest, sweetest dog I have ever known.  He takes every day as it comes and enjoys it.  But I know his legs don't have many steps left in them.

Every day I get up and make sure that Chance is still breathing, then see if he'll eat anything.  Then I evaluate Scooter to see how he is moving when he comes for his morning biscuit.  Then I wait for Sammy to get up to see how she is doing.  And I worry.  But I think if I didn't love them so much, I wouldn't worry so much either.

So I'll continue to worry and make sure that all of them have big adventure days and enjoy whatever time left they have with us.  How lucky am I to have such incredible dogs who just don't want to leave their lives here on earth???

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