Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Getting prepared

I love my big bro!

I trialed Rival this past weekend for the last time before we head to USDAA Nationals next week.  Given that he took so much time off this year, I've been trying get him into shape before the event.  As I've mentioned before, giving him the long break this year was SO great for him.  He's come back so refreshed, super keen to play the game and really responsive on course.  Earlier this year, I found that at trials he was getting so much more aroused that he was not collecting at all and becoming a bit too obstacle focused.  So I started doing more technical sequences to make him pay attention to my handling more.  And I also focused a lot on distance work since we have been struggling with gamblers Qs.

He's run incredibly well at the last two trials.  I always love stepping to the line with him, but I think I started getting really hung up on the Qs that he needs for his ADCH.  I think my focus shifted more towards getting the Q instead of just enjoying the ride.  And because of that, I think the break for me was so good as well.  I came back to trialing with a different mind set, just eager to run my boy again.  And wouldn't you know, the Qs started coming again.  He got 3 gamblers Qs in a row to finish his Master Gamblers title.  It took us a full year before the first and second Q and another year between the 2nd and 3rd!!  So to get 3 in a row was incredible.  He also got the last Super Q he needed in snooker.  At the Masters level you need 3 now (it was 2) for the title which basically means beating everyone else.  Not easy to do in snooker!

But I actually think this was my most fun run of the weekend:


I love Rival's wagging tail at the beginning and how focused he is on me as I leave him on a stay.  He's just the best boy EVER.  What a gift he's been, in so many ways.  I am so thankful that some very wise people were sure that he was supposed to be my dog.

So now we turn our attention to Cynosports.  I have some goals set for us but overall, I plan to just have a good time and run my dog.  I am going to try not to get caught up in the fact that it's a "big" event, because if I get nervous Rival will know and we won't be at our best.  When I walk to the line, I plan on thinking how darn lucky I am to be stepping to the line with such an incredible partner, and how much fun we have together.  I am going to work him a few more times this week, then rest him from agility and just focus on him being fit and relaxed, which hopefully includes some beach time this weekend!

Gypsy was just brilliant at the trial this weekend.  She was so focused on me, but was happy to greet people when told to "go see".  But she'd say hi and then come back to me!  The exception is Auntie Pam, who she just absolutely adores.  Pam is the only person that Gyps has climbed in the lap of and spent more than 5 seconds there.  But Gyps was able to do tricks, tug and hangout ringside without acting like a crazy girl.  All the work I've been doing with her is paying off now, yay!  She'll be tagging along to Cynosports, so I'll be able to work with her lots in a really high energy environment which will be great.

Wet puppy at a rainy agility trial.

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