Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Four months already?

It's hard to believe how fast the last four months has flown by.  At this point, the puppies have all been with their new families longer than they were with me!!  I often wonder if they will remember me when I see them again.  I see Ripp regularly and he usually pees out of excitement though I don't know if that's reserved just for me!  I am so excited to see Moon in three more weeks at USDAA Nationals.  Hopefully we'll get a visit in to see Jayce in November and Envy will be swinging through Virginia in December.  Yay!

After a very long agility hiatus, the dogs were so happy to be at a trial again this weekend.  The nice long break was really great for them.  I stopped working Rave when I bred her, so she basically didn't do any agility from the beginning of April until the pups when home in early August.  And Rival worked until the pups came, but then I was far too busy with them to even think about training him.  As a result, both dogs came back really fresh, eager to run and super strong.

And as a result both dogs had a great show.  Rival went 4 for 5 finally picked up to much need gamblers Q's.  Rave exceeded my expectations and was 3 for 5 and even got a Steeplechase Q.  We had some runs that were a bit crazy, but I still have a lot more work to do with her.  Rival is a finished product at this point, and knows his job so well.  And we know each other so well that when I run him, it's effortless and just pure joy.  I didn't do nearly as good a job of training Rave as a youngster as I did Rival.  Rave was also slow to mature, so I took my time with her.  But she told me loud and clear this weekend that she's ready to rock and roll.  I need to work with her on some more advanced skills, and proof some behaviors, but her speed, focus and enthusiasm where just wonderful this weekend.    Little Stashy told me loud and clear that she still needs LOTS more work!!!  Beagles are just cut from a different mold!

Going into the weekend, I had some concerns about Gypsy's behavior at her first trial.  Last Thursday, she turned into a raving lunatic at agility practice (in a new location).  From 300 feet away, she was lunging to get to the ring to watch, or maybe chase, the dog running agility.  I was non-existent.  And for a brief moment, I panicked.  I have been doing SO much work with her, I didn't expect that behavior at all.  But instead of worrying, I came up with a plan of action for the weekend, so that she didn't repeat that behavior all over again.

So I arrived at the trial site about an hour early on Saturday, long before most of the competitors and dogs showed up.  I immediately started working with Gyps on the "choose me" game, all around the trial grounds. I allowed her time to just be a puppy and explore and meet people, but I also spent a lot of time gradually putting down layer after layer of foundation into the choose me game.  By late Sunday morning, she was focused ringside, able to both eat and tug.  She was happy to meet people and other dogs, if I told her to go see, but her focus was definitely on me!  Huge success!!!!

Her behavior in the crate still needs a lot of work, as she just loses it when I work the other dogs.  At the trial I parked where she couldn't see the rings, and made sure she couldn't see out when I took one of the other dogs out to run.  But I could still hear her fussing a bit.

And the cutest part of the trial was seeing how happy Rave was having her baby there.  Every time I took them out together, Rave wanted to roll around and play with Gypsy. Then Rave would prance around the trial grounds showing everyone how proud she was of her little baby.  Honestly, I wasn't sure how Rave would take to motherhood when I bred her, but it's truly made her a happier dog, and having Gypsy in her life has brought her so much joy.  How cool is that??

Gypsy has been the most special gift to all of us.  I can't even imagine my life without her already.  And it's only been four months!!!

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