Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Kristen wrote a great blog on gratitude today, so I thought I'd follow suit.  I often feel like, in today's world, it's so easy to get caught up in every day life, always busy and running somewhere, having an endless list of things to do.  We can often lose sight of the things in life to be grateful for.  Even if it doesn't seem like it....

It's been a challenging two weeks with two of the older dogs.  Sammy has been having some bizarre muscle/neurologic/spine issues and today I am so grateful that her new cocktail of drugs has her feeling good again.  And Scout went in for a tooth extraction on Friday and wound up having very invasive surgery for a mast cell tumor they found.  I am hoping that it's low grade, for which I will be very grateful.  And I am grateful that the rest of the dogs seem healthy, even Chance the old man.

I am beyond grateful for my little blue merle spitfire.  To say she brings me joy is an understatement.  I've waited for this deep of a connection with a female dog for a while.  I have it with Rival, and I had it with Jive---who set the bar so very high.  I also have it with Chance, but he lives in a different world now that he's 15.  It's hard to explain though.  I love ALL of my dogs.  But I have very different connections with each of them. And my connection with Gyps touches deep within my soul, in the same way that Jive did.

It's hard for me to think back on Jive's premature death and have gratitude.  She was such an amazing pup, and she was taken from me far too soon.  But on the other hand, there's a number of people who wouldn't have their canine soulmates if she had not left this world.  And beyond that, I would not have a lot of wonderful people in my life had she not left.  If Jive was still alive, there would be no Rave, or no pups. Tonya would not have Dazzle and Deven wouldn't have Rumba.  I would not have Rival or Gyps either. Heck, I may never had met Rob.  Sometimes it's hard to understand why things happen, or find gratitude when the skies are dark.  But in time, all will be revealed.

I am especially grateful today for the homes that my little pups have gone to.  I know each of them is adored, loved and being given all the things they need in life to thrive.  I feel so very lucky to have found the perfect homes for the puppies and am VERY grateful for the regular updates from them all!!!

Jive, also a soccer ball aficionado


Gypsy 16 weeks and Jive 16 weeks

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