Sunday, June 16, 2013

Two weeks old!

In some ways, it's been a very long two weeks but I also can't believe that the pups are two weeks old already!  Between my almost constant worry about Gypsy and then the issue with Rev, I feel like I've been on a bit of a roller coaster.  Gypsy isn't gaining weight as much as I'd like, but she seems to be just fine.  The last few days have been just absolutely amazing watching as the pups develop.  It's hard to put into words how incredible it is to see them do things for the first time: first poops, first pees, first tail wags, first eyes open, first startle response to sounds.  Incredible!!!

Rev, Kahoona and Octane seem the most advanced at this point, but in different ways.  Kahoona has been up and walking for days now and almost never crawls anymore.  He's the most advanced physically.  Rev had his eyes open first, but has also been the one to seek out attention from me more than anyone else at this point.  And Octane was the first to hear and remains the adventure seeker--climbing up Rave then sliding down the other side over and over again for his own entertainment.  It's too cute!  Yet, Octane is the one whose eyes are barely open yet.  Envy is right behind Rev in terms of interacting with me, she loves to come over to me for attention.  And her eyes are just about open now too.  Bolt and Gypsy have been the slower ones to develop.  Bolt has been the smallest boy from the start and was the last boy up to walk, though now his smaller body makes him more nimble and efficient.  I have been really surprised at Gypsy's eyes starting to open already.  She was the last to walk but she can see now too!  I expected her to be a bit more behind the other pups in development, but she's right there with Bolt. 

The pups have started playing with each other now and it's so cute!  They wrestle a bit and make crazy noises.  Most of the pups have growled at me now--it's so cute to see them finding their voices.  Rev let out the first little bark this morning---I think he startled himself!!!  And Octane grabbed my finger in play today too. 

They all now just LOVE being pet and getting attention (at least when they aren't hungry!!).  Most of them seek me out when I come in the room now too.  And a few of them have wagged their tails at me when I pet them--now that just melts my heart!

On the flip side, they are peeing like banshees now and making a bit mess!  And it's only going to get worse!!!  But oh how much fun we are going to have!!!

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