Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Well, clearly I did not do a good job of blogging while the pups were growing!  I guess with the Facebook group (and lack of time!), I didn't really feel the need to but now I am kind of disappointed I didn't because I would have had more details.  It would have been good to go back and read it periodically.  It's weird since I can hardly remember things from early on, maybe because there was just so much happening over a short period of time.

I can honestly say that raising this litter was one of the best experiences of my life.  It was also one of the most challenging.  I am absolutely thrilled with how the pups turned out and I am so excited to watch them grow.  And I know that they are all in the most perfect home for each of them and that just elates me.  It was so hard saying goodbye to each of them, but I can see how very happy their are in their new homes.   My personality is such that I tend to want to control things, and sending these pups out into the world sure made me feel helpless.  But that's where trust comes in.  Trusting I made the right decisions on the homes, trusting that everyone will do their best by their pups and trusting that everything is working out exactly as it should.  I sure do hope I get to see all of them periodically over time as I love all those pups so very much, and they all took a piece of my heart with them when they left.

From all report, everyone absolutely adores their puppies!  And I am excited that everyone is indulging me regularly with pictures and videos.  I warned everyone from the start that they were part of the family now!!!

As for things at home, Gypsy is just incredible!!!  I adore her and she is truly my dream pup.  Gypsy is everything I had hope we would get from this cross and then some.  She reminds me so incredibly much of my sweet Jive.  The fearlessness, intense connection with me, high drive, fun loving attitude and sweet nature. And that crazy blue left eye! Some times if you are patient, amazing things come back to you....

And Rave is doing incredible.  She's back to her athletic self, though still needs to tighten up those abs!  She is also completely naked and needs to grow some hair back.  I started doing some agility with her yesterday (for the first time in about 5 months!) and she was so crazy excited to be playing again.  I am so thrilled with how she handled motherhood--physically and mentally.  She was a wonderful mother!  Though I still think it's a bit weird that she fed her pups until they were 9 weeks old!

Rave absolutely LOVES her baby!!!  They play and play and it's the cutest thing ever!!  And Rival continues to be a great big brother and enjoys their wrestling matches.  Stash loves Gypsy, but only outside when they can play big chase games!  The rest of the pack is getting used to her presence, but I am being ultra careful so Gypsy doesn't have  bad experiences.  She won't be allowed to be loose with the rest of the gang for a long time.  Plus, I need to ensure that she bonds more strongly to me than any of the dogs.  I don't see it being a problem now, but I am going to stay on top of it.

Going forward, I thought I'd focus the blog on puppy training and all of Gypsy's adventures.  And also share those of the other pups as well.

It's so hard to believe that the little mighty mite was once this tiny!!!

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