Monday, August 26, 2013

12 weeks!

It's hard to believe the pups are 12 weeks old now.  Time sure does fly!  I am so happy that I get regular updates from all the puppy homes and they all look like they are doing wonderful.  Thank goodness I get to smooch on Ripp regularly!!!

Gypsy is finally starting to grow and has really sprouted some legs this week.  She is such an amazing little girl.  She's a super fun puppy, she makes me laugh and brings me so much joy.  And she just "gets" things and fits right into our lifestyle.

Gyps finally has some pretty decent food motivation.  She's still not crazy excited about treats or her meals, but this morning she got pretty animated during our training session. We've been working on body awareness skills, some self control and lots of recalls, though we need more work there.  While she's quite biddable, she's also got an independent streak to her.  She's a willful little mighty mite!

We spent the weekend in NJ at my sister's house and Gyps was an awesome traveler and houseguest.  Meaning no potty accidents or chewing of inappropriate objects!  But she was pretty exhausted much of the time as we wore all the dogs out.  Mary has Rave's sister Java (from the repeat breeding) now, and they all just had a blast.  We went for a few hikes, swimming in the river and did lots of playing in the backyard.  

Java's favorite toy is the cheap plastic watering can.  And guess who else decided it's her favorite toy now too?  Funny girls!  Rave thought it was silly and preferred the ball or frisbee.
Auntie Java!

Swimming in the Raritan River

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