Saturday, June 15, 2013


It was a long week!  Rob had to go out of town for work, so I was flying solo all week.  Not a big deal, until Rev decided to not feel well on Wednesday night.  He started crying about 9:30pm, and just wouldn't stop.  He also kept moving around nonstop like he couldn't get comfortable.  He didn't want to eat, had no pee in him and I couldn't stimulate him to poop.  It wasn't hot in here (he's been the fussy one about temperature) either so I was at a loss.  But listening to him cry non stop was tearing me up, since I didn't know what was wrong.  I called a breeder friend about 10:15 and she had a few ideas, but wasn't entirely sure what was going on either.  Then I noticed the poor little guy was drooling too, which made me think upset tummy.  I also noticed when I rubbed his belly he relaxed a bit.

I turned to the internet as a reproduction group which has a huge number of member, who are all over the world, so I figured if I posted what was happening, someone was bound to respond.  My internet research pointed me in the direction of gas and constipation and the folks on the group agreed.  I gave him a warm water enema and wow, did the flood gates open!!  Once he was empty, I thought he'd feel much better, but he still kept crying.  So it's after midnight, and I really want to go get the infant gas drops folks recommended....but it's late, and we live 20 minutes from the 24 hour drugstore.  And Rob's not home, and I don't want to leave a crying pup by himself.  I managed to make it to first light and set out to get the drops for him.  Within minutes of giving the drops, he relaxed and immediately fell asleep.  At this point, he'd cried so much, he had dried tears all over his face.  :-(

By the time I reached my vet, Rev seemed back to normal.  He was nursing again and sleeping comfortably.  So I didn't want to stress him out by running him into the vet clinic (not to mention making me worry about all the potential disease issues that could arise from that).  He's been fine since then, so I am guessing maybe he gorged to much on food on Wednesday and gave himself a back up.

What an exhausting night for both of us!  I am just so glad he's back to himself.  And he's taken up the position of being the most active of the pups now too.  He's quite full of himself!!!

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