Thursday, May 9, 2013

Rave is losing her girlish figure!

Rave has always been a very thin, fit, athletic girl.  But just in the last two days, her girlish figure is disappearing!  Her belly is growing and she's always eager to eat more.  I don't want to up her food too much yet, as it's a bit early to do that and I do want to keep her as fit as I can until the delivery.  She's still keen to go on our daily off leash walks and wants to play ball or frisbee, though I am being paranoid and not letting her do that, except in the pond.  Rave has some crazy moves and I don't want her to hurt the little babies growing inside her!!!

I'll try to get a picture of her belly, she's upside down all the time looking for belly rubs so should be pretty easy.  :-)

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