Friday, May 31, 2013

Puppy skulls and spines!!!

Rave had her xray yesterday and it shows six well formed pups.  I think it's the perfect number for our first litter---both for Rave and me!  Six puppies means there are enough to go around for everyone that wants one, but is also a very manageable number for raising them and making sure each puppy gets lots of attention and care.

Many breeders cautioned me that doing an AI on a maiden bitch may not result in any pups. But clearly Rave and Keen are very fertile, healthy dogs and I trusted my vet to help me get the timing right.  I also knew that Rave's dam had produced very large litters with ease, so I was hopeful that genetics were on our side.  I am so very excited to see what Keen and Rave produce!  Now I just need to be patient and let those pups finish cooking!!!

Rave feels fabulous and I can see how keeping her in such good physical shape during her pregnancy has really been so good for her.  She's still active, strong and happy to catch a frisbee.  I obsessed over her diet and how much exercise to allow so it makes me very happy to see her feeling so good.

Just a few more days to go!!!!

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