Friday, August 25, 2017

A Little Dose of Time!

Surf has had a super fun month!  We went on vacation the first week in August, and she went to sheep camp.  Julie Poudrier took her and put some solid training on her for a few weeks.  Surf was so happy to see me when I picked her up, but honestly if I had driven away, I am not sure she would have noticed!  I am pretty sure she'd like me to just move there with her.  :-)

During that time, she went into heat and so she did not get out and about much for a few weeks.  So we headed out last week on an adventure, first to my mom's apartment and then to the pet store in a very busy shopping center.  Surf had a blast and even enjoyed meeting another dog in the pet store.  Someone recently said to me that all Surf really needed was "a little dose of time".  And I think that is so true.  I am trying very hard to set her up for only success and keep building her confidence back up. So far it's working!

Her agility training is coming along, albeit slowly.  I am in no rush with her, and I am going at her pace, letting her tell me when she's ready for thing.  I have to regularly remind myself that despite looking physically mature, she is still very much a baby.  So many people seem to be in such a rush to get their pups up and running, and I just don't know why.  Let them grow up, and mature both physically and mentally before pushing them too hard.  I want my dogs running well at 10, and I think while some of that is good genetics, a huge part of it is not pushing their bodies and minds hard when they are young.  Sure, some dogs can handle it, that much is clear.  But why risk it?  Gosh, then only get to the young once, let them enjoy it by playing lots, teaching tricks, going for hikes and having fun adventures.

Having Gypsy injured for half of this year has also really made me evaluate my training and goals.  I want Surf to just enjoy being a pup, and learn how she fits in this world, without feeling any pressure from me.  As I've said before, she loves herding and I am going to keep at it with her and see how far we can get.  It's so good for her confidence too.  I love how when she goes to sheep, she just knows what to do---it's all SO natural.  Agility is not natural at all!!!

Gypsy seems to have fully recovered now, though I am still being cautious with her agility training.  I haven't seen any sign of weakness or lameness is 2 months now, and I sure hope it stays that way!  Gypsy lives for agility, and I hope we can continue playing the game for a very long time.  We did not get all the Q's we needed for Cynosports, so we can only run in team and steeplechase, but that is still huge considering we only ran in three trials with tournaments this qualifying year year (between the puppies last fall and then her being injured).  So considering that, her two team Q's, two steeplechase Q's, and one Q in GP and biathalon and one in MCJ are pretty impressive!  We could have entered a few more trials here at the end of the season, but I felt that our time was better spent training and conditioning, as well as getting some much needed beach therapy.   It might not be our year to shine, but we will have fun no matter what!