Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Mother Hen

I've learned this past year that breeding isn't for the faint of heart.  And I have also learned that I am more of a worry wart than I thought.  From the day Rave was bred up until this very moment, I worry about all of the puppies.  It's just my nature to do so, and while many keep telling me not to worry so much, I just plain can't help it!!!   I love all six of those babies (and their momma) so much and they will always hold a special place in my heart.

I've been so worried about little Jayce and I will continue to do so until he has his surgery and is fully recovered.  Knowing that border collies are hard on their bodies, I have worried about their joints since they were born.  I still lift Gypsy off the bed when I catch her in time and while she gets tons of free running and a tiny bit of retrieving, I am still being super protective.

The biggest fears in breeding come from the unknown.  Despite extensive research, health testing and raising puppies the best you can for eight weeks, breeding is still genetic roulette.  My Rival is a good example of this.  He came from an amazing breeder, and an equally amazing stud dog owner.  His pedigree is lovely and there was no reason to think there would be any issues with the cross.  But then the hip dysplasia turned up in his brother and at first it was thought to be diet and environment driven.  But eventually Rival was diagnosed with it as well.  I was devastated when I found out, as Rival had already proved himself to be an incredible representation of the Australian Shepherd breed.  And to this day, I am still so sad I wasn't able to have a puppy out of him.  But at age six, he's still sound and doing the things he loves and for that I am grateful.  But that genetic roulette raised it's ugly head.

Rob doesn't think I should ever have another litter.  He's already concerned about how much I worry about the one litter!  My theory is that if you have more pups, then you have the same amount of worry to spread over more pups!  In reality though, raising the litter took so much out of me, I don't know when I'll do it again.  It's WAY easier to buy a pup from someone else!!  But the bond I have with Gypsy is just incredible and I love that I've known her since her very first (and somewhat gasping!) breath.  I just don't know if I can buy a pup from someone else now!  So for now, I'll keep on worrying about my six babies.  :-)