Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Raving Keenlets!

Rave's ultrasound yesterday confirmed that she is indeed pregnant!!!  Woohooo!!!  We saw seven puppies and all had strong heartbeats and looked great.  Our estimated due date is June 3rd or 4th.  We are so excited to meet these new little beings in another five weeks or so!!  But for now, here's the very first picture!!!

Monday, April 22, 2013

One more week!

One more week to go until I know if we have little Keen/Rave puppies cooking!  I am so excited I could just about burst!  Patience has never been my strong suit though.  :-)

Friday, April 5, 2013

Second round of Keenlings!

Rave was bred via AI again today and again it went really well.  Ultrasound on April 29th!!!!  Exciting!!!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Breeding No. 1!

The little Keenlings arrived and Rave was bred to Keen today by AI.  It all went really well.  We'll repeat again on Friday then ultrasound on April 29th.  So exciting!!!!